Helping You Find Your True North in Life

Coaching Options

When was the last time you invested in your own needs?

As working women, entrepreneurs, mothers. stay-at-home moms, wives, friends and adult daughters...there are major life events, changes and challenges that unexpectedly happen for which we truly need expert guidance.
"Working with Stefani as a coach is one of the best things I have done for myself. She has a natural talent for honing in on key areas that need to be addressed in order to break through blockers and uncover aha moments. Her guidance and coaching advice is tailored to you and your unique needs. She is genuine, caring and supportive with an objective point of view which provides a "safe space" to be vulnerable."
-Michelle M., St. Louis, MO
If any of these areas resonate with you and you KNOW it's time to try a new way of being and loving, then one of Stefani's courses will be life-changing for you! Certified Life Coach, Stefani Seek, is ready to help you in the following areas:
A challenging life situation you never dreamed of experiencing. Now you feel sad, stuck, frustrated, surprised... and you aren't sure what to do to overcome.
  Click HERE for Challenging Life Situation Help  
A significant relationship change: Divorce, Break-Up, Dissatisfaction in Your Love Life or Marriage
Click HERE for Help with a Divorce or Break-Up
Regaining control of your life: end people-pleasing, learn to say YES for yourself, and discover how to set boundaries that will stick, giving you back time and restoring your peace of mind.
Click HERE for People-Pleasing/Boundaries Help
To find new, healthy, romantic love, and rediscover your self-love and confidence, after a divorce, break-up, or passing of a partner.
Click HERE for Finding New Romantic Love Help
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