Helping You Find Your True North in Life

About Stefani

Hi, I'm Stefani Seek. I help women like you navigate challenging life circumstances so you can feel better, reconnect with your inner voice, find joy, and create the life you really want and deserve!

It might seem intimidating or you might think you don't deserve to hire a "coach", but more and more, women from all walks of life are realizing that they need someone to talk to who can see their situations clearly, without bias. And not only just to talk to, but to provide practical guidance on how to find direction and get out of ruts, heal from hurts, and feel happy and healthy again.

Many of us are blessed with great sisters, girlfriends, moms, husbands, partners...but we don't want to unload all of our thoughts and emotions on those people closest to us. Some of us also experience the pain or loneliness of having someone close to us who doesn't or won't empathize with the circumstances that are causing frustration, sadness, worry, or exhaustion. 

As your experienced and Certified Life Coach, I am an empathetic third party who can see your situation clearly and provide you a clear path forward.

The women I work with face challenges that they never expected to encounter. From painful situations where life isn't working out the way they thought it would, to mid-life "uh-oh" thoughts around careers or relationships that are no longer fulfilling, I serve as your Guide to help you rediscover and reconnect with the life that you are MEANT to create for yourself. We actually chart a course that lifts you up and moves you forward! After three months of working together, one of my clients, Carrie, from Ohio, said:

"You've literally helped me transform my life. So many new doors are now opening for me and I'm not losing sleep anymore! I feel content and happy again, and I have hope for my future!"

I know how sad and frustrating it can feel when life doesn't go "according to plan." I got married at age 23 to my college sweetheart, had a beautiful daughter, and then things turned very dark in my marriage. I found myself divorced with a four-year old at age 28. And then, I dated and married the person to whom I thought I'd be married for life, and I found myself in the type of relationship that was devastating to my heart. Amidst all of this, I was in a high-pressure, intense corporate leadership role, burning the candle at both ends. I felt like I had messed up my ENTIRE LIFE.

By the grace of the universe, I started setting new intentions and new dreams for myself. Doors began opening as I learned from experts. I underwent a spiritual transformation, releasing old weights. I fulfilled a lifelong dream of becoming a published author. I am at a healthy weight and fitness level, releasing a sugar addiction of nearly three decades. I became a Certified Life Coach. I attracted the love of my life in 2021 and it is the mutually-respectful, loving and fulfilling relationship that has exceeded my greatest desires. I quit corporate America and I'm now a successful business owner, making my own schedule and creating the life I want. The promising news is this: It is in the challenging contrast we experience that we create new hopes and desires! I encourage and empower my three daughters with these words:

You can always change your mind!

We are the co-creators of our lives. I will teach you how to create for yourself, and day by day, your life will begin to transform in amazing ways.

Coaching is a true partnership between you and me.

The only requirements are that:
1. We have good synergy and connection upon first meeting.
2. You are willing to learn something new.
3. You are willing to believe that you can feel better.
4. You are willing to invest in yourself.

Click below to schedule a complimentary 30-minute session with me.

We'll discuss how you want to change your life and uncover if we are the right fit for each other. I accept a limited amount of clients each month as I am just one person, so it is important to determine if we are the right fit. I am excited to meet you!

With love,


Schedule a Call with Stefani
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