From People-Pleaser to Me-Pleaser

Is this course for you?

56% of women describe themselves as people-pleasers! In fact, 70% of women say they go to great lengths to avoid conflict and 68% say they often put others' needs first at the expense of their own. 

Do you find yourself in that description above? 

If you do, then this is one of the MOST important self-care actions you can take for yourself this year!

We invest in lessons, training and education for our children. But just because we aren't kids any more doesn't mean we still can't learn new things! We are still growing and evolving too! 

Learning how to stop people-pleasing will help you restore your peace of mind by ending those guilt and over-giving cycles...and you'll get time back! Learning to set boundaries will empower you, your relationships and help you remember how important it is to love yourself too!

What is this course?

A beautiful, online course where you can go at your own pace and have forever access! 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: When does the course start?

A:  Content will be available to you starting August 19, and group coaching begins the week of Aug 21. Don't worry if you are in the middle of school starting for kiddos or work projects--the bulk of this is self-paced with new modules coming to you each week, and you can come and go as you please to the group coaching calls!

If you are purchasing this course after August 2023: don’t worry!  You can join anytime after Aug 19 and you will start your self-paced course and join the weekly group coaching calls…you aren’t missing out!

Q: When does the course cost?

A: Your investment is $397.   In addition to the impactful online course access and materials, you can attend up to 8 LIVE group coaching sessions with me over two months. This is an incredible value for weekly coaching to transform your life!

Negative Impacts of Being a People-Pleaser*

Being a people-pleaser can lead to:

*Source:, by Chitra Goel | Mar 9, 2022

People-pleasing can cause anger and resentment to build, as you put your needs on the back-burner and try to take care of everyone else. 

You may give and please with a smile on your face, but if you are doing this from a place of feeling overwhelmed, over-burdened and obligation, those angry feelings can start to build and express themselves in unhealthy ways.

I want you to feel strong and empowered physically, mentally and emotionally!

That is all why this course is SO important:

1. Get off the wheel of the people-pleasing, over-giving and resentment cycle!

2. Learn to speak your truth and voice your boundaries without fear of disappointing others!

3. Become empowered to give from the heart space which really wants to give and say NO from the head space that feels obligated to please!

Throughout this course, I will share my personal stories of people-pleasing and over-giving, and we will troubleshoot your specific situations to help you know that you are not alone, you CAN find your true voice, and you WILL experience peace and confidence as you build your boundary-setting muscle!

"Working with Stefani as a coach is one of the best things I have done for myself. She has a natural talent for honing in on key areas that need to be addressed in order to break through blockers and uncover aha moments. Her guidance and coaching advice is tailored to you and your unique needs. She is genuine, caring and supportive with an objective point of view which provides a "safe space" to be vulnerable."

-Michelle M., St. Louis, MO

Sign up now and let's get going on your journey from People-Pleaser to ME-Pleaser! 

Have more questions about the course? Connect with me today!

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