Help with Divorce or Break-Up

I know, because I've been married and divorce not once...but twice. 

There are so many feelings associated with a "failed" relationship or marriage....guilt, anger, shame, embarrassment, hopelessness....


The possibility of divorce never even entered my mind as I happily married my first husband.  But, life happens and we sometimes find ourselves in unhappy, unhealthy or even abusive situations.  And we wonder:  HOW DID I GET HERE?

Did I do something wrong?  What did I do to deserve this?

I found my way back to my voice and my truth, and after years of study and training, I realized what had happened in my life and why I experienced such painful relationship issues. (Nobody "on the outside" would have ever guessed or understood what was really going on with me!)

Now, I'm grateful to have had these tough experiences because I have insights into the "why's", how to recover and heal, and how to move on....step-by-step.   

I use my experiences and my coaching methods to guide you through this most difficult and challenging of times.    I help you move through this difficult time in your life and emerge more peaceful and more confident about how to transition into the next chapter of your beautiful life.

Every break-up or divorce situation is unique, but there are also common threads.  In working with me, you will quickly realize that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Please click below to schedule a 30-minute complimentary call with me. I will listen to your situation, and together we will determine if I'm the right coach to help you through this challenging time.

The good news is---it CAN and it DOES get better!  In fact, it can get better beyond your wildest imagination.  I'm living proof of the possibilities.

Get in touch now, and let's talk.  All of our conversations are 100% confidential.

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